10 Sep

If you know anything about porn in the arab world you will realize that more than half the countries in this region have made it absolutely illegal to watch or consume porn. Often they have also made the act of producing porn a offence punishable by death. That's right you can be put to death of the crime of wanting to make some money though a business legal in most developed countries. You may say they have their reasons but putting people down for simply having a taste is quite stupid honestly. Now add to it the fact that Middle eastern countries are the highest porn consuming nations and you reach a realization that the more you hold back your natural desires the more you will feel it build up on you. There was a certian case in egypt where in the guy who happened to have a link of a pornographic site by mistake on his browser on his mobile got caught by his college teachers after a fellow student reported about it to his teachers as a prank. They took his mobile and when they found the browser history they not only suspended him but also imprisoned for 6 months and his family faced a lot humiliation. 

All of this is simply inhumane in my opinion i can never get to the fact that there were people who could do such a horrible thing just because they did something that they didnt approve of. I mean come on people what the hell? Like geez and oh my gooood. Finally what i wanted to share with all of you is this fact that these countries often search for the weirdest types of porn. Lets start with Iran for Iran they were searching for the key word "brutal" at the top. Sorry Iran but you are canceled because that shit is whack. You need to repent. Come on geez lets all just stop doing this and watching good ol porn of our people.

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